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"From Sinking Sand to Solid Ground: A Journey of Surrender"

Walking along the seashore of life, I watched the waves come and go. Occasionally, I would find a shiny treasure and quickly put it in my pocket. The walk was beautiful as I enjoyed the calming sounds of waves and the sun's warmth on my face. My treasures found upon this seashore turned my walk into a treasure hunt for more, more treasure on this sandy shore. 

 I could feel the weight of my treasure slowing me down as I walked. The burden of carrying this load was getting heavier with every step. "Just one more," I thought to myself. "One more shiny treasure to save will satisfy me." And then, I found it. It was heavier than I expected, but I quickly put it in my pocket anyway. However, I sank as soon as I put it in my pocket. I began to sink deeper and deeper into the sand of my walk of life. I found myself falling and losing my life.

Scripture reminds us in Matthew 6:19-21 NLT: "Don't store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them, and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be."

Remembering the treasures I had stored in my pockets, I reached deep to pull them out, hoping that lightening my load would help me escape my death trap. The first treasure I found was a shiny rock with the word "despair" written on top. I dug deeper and found another treasure rock with the word "disillusionment" written on it. I threw it away as far as I could. Although I felt slightly lighter, I was still stuck in the sand of death. I grabbed yet another rock and read the word "depression" on it. I threw it out to sea, hoping that it would free me. But I was still stuck, sinking deeper into the sand with each passing moment. I could feel one more rock in my pocket, which I tried with all my might to grab, but each time I reached for it, I was pushed even deeper into the death trap.

In my desperation, I cried out for help, and to my relief, a figure approached with grace and compassion. As he reached out to rescue me, I hesitated, clinging to my last treasure, fearing that I would have nothing without it. 

But the man, with eyes full of love, assured me that true life awaited beyond the confines of my treasures. With his gentle touch, he removed the final rock from my grasp, revealing its hidden word: defeat. At that moment, I recognized him as Jesus, the one who came to set me free. 

John 8:36 (NIV) reminds us, "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." With his hand in mine, Jesus led me out of the sinking sand, guiding me into the depths of his love and grace. We walked towards victory together, embracing the eternal destiny he had prepared for me.

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Suszanne Parker

Life, Faith, Family

Like many women, I gracefully navigate through various roles with purpose. I am a dedicated wife, mother of five, and grandmother of seven. Additionally, I serve as a Women’s Ministry leader, bringing nearly two decades of experience in ministering God's word.

Beyond these cherished titles, I sense a deeper calling and a profound passion for guiding women on a transformative journey through the teachings of God. I am steadfast in creating a space where women can discover and live out the abundant promises granted by God. "Wonderous Women of God" is a testament to this commitment—a platform where inspiration flows freely and the wisdom of living in God's promises is shared with enthusiasm.


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